Thursday, December 30, 2010

Existing Vending Machines in Reno

These machines on the E Taylor side will be in operation until we complete the installation at the new location.

Progress on New Vending Machines Operation in Reno

We're getting ready to move the vending machines from the Crystal Springs Building across the street.  They're paving next week!  Here's a picture.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Spring Water Vending in Reno Moving Across the Street

The Owners of Spring Water Depot vending operations have been providing pure, fresh water to Northern Nevada since 1984.  All products are derived from an underground formation protected from commercial and agricultural contaminants.  The water in this system is ozonated to ensure your protection against any bacteria intrusion and extends shelf life.  That and the perfect balance of trace minerals is what makes our water taste so good.  Our distilled water is manufactured through a process that removes all minerals and elements. All products meet FDA and EPA Safe Water Drinking Act Standards.

Please call or write to:  Spring Water Depot
                                   PO Box 933
                                   Reno, NV 89504
                                   775 323-5689

This is one of our locations in Fallon, NV
We also provide spring water in Dayton, NV